The history of Jute Manufacturing is lost in the narrow passage of time. As a plant jute (Corchorus capsularis and Corchorus olitorius) was believed to have been cultivated around 800 B.C. In these environmentally conscious times, jute contributes lasting solutions to the universal problem of pollution. It is environment friendly as its contents are cellulose and lignin, which are biodegradable. Like most synthetic products, it does not generate toxic gases when burnt. The jute fibre is available in inexhaustible quantities and at comparatively low prices. It also has the potential to replace several expensive fibres and scarce forest resources.
The Kankaria Group is one of the pioneers in the Jute Industry today. With its jute units producing about a hundred qualities of fabrics and yarns. The jute mills of the Group produce some of the world's best jute products, which are passed through the most stringent of quality tests. These tests are conducted at each stage of the manufacturing process by an in-house, dedicated quality control department at each plant.